Monday, September 12, 2005

About Australia...

I was really suprised to find out that Australia is about the same land mass as the continental United States. When I mentioned this to other people they were surprised too. Everyone knows its an island continent but the island part seems to mislead most.

While it is a huge country/continent, it is not nearly as populous as the USA. Most of the inhabitants live around the perimeter on the coast line.

I found a number of good web sites with information about Australia but The World Fact Book (a CIA web site) give a clear and precise thumbnail sketch of the country. It's worth a read. This is also a great site for looking up basic profiles of lots of countries throught the world.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Welcome to AnneAZonia

Hi and welcome to my blog. I finally decided to clean things up and start fresh with info about my Australia vacation that started on Thanksgiving day 2005. More to come when I get home tonight.