Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Blue Stone Buildings

For those folks not familiar with Delaware one of it's claims to fame is Blue Granite also known as blue rock or blue stone. I don't know why I thought that Blue Granite was a unique to Delaware geology -- but I did. I had just never thought to look into it.

It turns out that Blue Granite is, also, very common across much of the United States. It is the state rock of South Carolina and part of the reason the Blue Ridge Mountains are so named according to information I found on the internet since I returned home.

Blue Granite is definatly very common around Sunbury, Victoria, AU. Many of the Blue Stone buildings in Sunbury were built by convict labor with hand hand hewn stone.

This is the old Gaol (Jail) built of blue stone.

St. Mary's Anglican church on the village green in Sunbury. One of the best blue stone buildings I saw.

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