Monday, November 28, 2005


This seems a bit odd to say but we only went into Melbourne 3 times. The first time we took the train in and rode the trams to sight see what we could from them. We, also, stopped for fish and chips for lunch and one of the top rated fish and chips restaurants. The second was to take my friend Phil to dinner for his birthday a week later. The third was to go to Queen Victoria Market (Shown below).

I love flea markets and open air markets so Queen Victoria was a huge treat. I have never seen anything quite like it in size or scope.

I took the picture on the left to try to give some idea just how big this place is. The structures on the left are all filled with vendors and there were just as many on the right out of the frame.

I got some aboriginal art prints and various gifts for friends. In hind sight I should have gotten a few more things while I was there. Sigh! See the upcoming post on the art to see what I got and links to buy them on the web.

The market runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The hours vary so check ahead of time.

The picture on the left is Phil shopping in the meat and seafood area. The second is just a view of one of the many buildings that housed vendors with other merchandise.

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